
Christopher Peter Meloni was an American actor who is well-known for his part in the popular television show Law & Order Special Victims Unit'. In college, he began to pursue a passion for acting. At the University of Colorado at Boulder it was where he studied acting. The characters he has played on television have gained him a lot of recognition. His ability to play characters in both legal and non-legal settings is what has caught the attention of the public. His first television show, he was a serial murderer. Later he portrayed the character of an NYPD Investigator. Multiple times he was nominated for the prestigious Emmy Awards, and the PRISM Awards. His piercing blue eyes his face have been deemed as the most captivating feature. These have been used for portraying rough characters, and give them charisma. The People's Magazine's list of Sexiest Men Alive included him.

Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni


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